3 Card Reading
We all have those moments in our lives where some simple guidance, a way forward or a bit of clarity would help us with those decisions and directions to make. With the use of the Witches Tarot (a form of Tarot) I'll do a 3 card spread where you’ll find out what what’s at the core for you right now and where you'll get insight in to what to do and what you'll receive to bring forward the best outcome.
This is a recorded Zoom call where you'll receive the recording no later than 5 days from booking. The session will last approximately 10 minutes.
We all have those moments in our lives where some simple guidance, a way forward or a bit of clarity would help us with those decisions and directions to make. With the use of the Witches Tarot (a form of Tarot) I'll do a 3 card spread where you’ll find out what what’s at the core for you right now and where you'll get insight in to what to do and what you'll receive to bring forward the best outcome.
This is a recorded Zoom call where you'll receive the recording no later than 5 days from booking. The session will last approximately 10 minutes.
We all have those moments in our lives where some simple guidance, a way forward or a bit of clarity would help us with those decisions and directions to make. With the use of the Witches Tarot (a form of Tarot) I'll do a 3 card spread where you’ll find out what what’s at the core for you right now and where you'll get insight in to what to do and what you'll receive to bring forward the best outcome.
This is a recorded Zoom call where you'll receive the recording no later than 5 days from booking. The session will last approximately 10 minutes.