reiki pure

Stop and take a breath. Relax and let me take you on 45 minute nurturing journey of self-healing using traditional Usui reiki with an intuitive spirit and guided approach. This is ideal for return clients or those wishing to dip their toe in for the first time into the world of Reiki.

You don't need to do a thing other than to wear comfortable clothing, drink plenty of water before and after and allow yourself to be held by Reiki and her healing.

If you have any particular areas of body pain or discomfort or something non physical that you'd like to focus on please let me know prior to our session.

Distance Sessions

A distance session holds the same level of 'potency' as an in-person session. These are ideal if you're in another location or not able to leave where you at the time of the session.

These sessions will be held via a video call and where you can dedicate the time to being in a quiet space on your own (seated or lying down is encouraged).

Hands forming love heart

Nurture ~ a healing journey

I believe healing ourselves starts with a desire to find out who we are and a deeper knowing that there's more to us than just the body we are in. It's also well known and researched that Reiki aids and assists in relieving physical pain, calming and settling our mental well-being and in re-energising our bodies when fatigued, stressed or tired

In a Nurture session we take those steps towards you finding out who you are and what your inner self's calling you to do, to self-heal and nurture yourself back to the true self that you came here in this life to be. I'll use techniques and healing methods such as Reiki, Chakra rebalancing, kinesiology muscle testing, crystal therapy and pendulum testing.

Distance Sessions

A distance session holds the same level of 'potency' as an in-person session. These are ideal if you're in another location or not able to leave where you at the time of the session.

These sessions will be held via a video call and where you can dedicate the time to being in a quiet space on your own (seated or lying down is encouraged).

3 card readings ~ recorded

We all have those moments in our lives where some simple guidance, a way forward or a bit of clarity would help us with those decisions and directions to make.

With the use of the Witches Tarot (a different take on the traditional Tarot) I'll do a 3 card spread where you’ll find out what what’s at the core for you right now (it might be a challenge, something to be expressed or an energy that’s out of alignment). Where you’ll get guidance on how to unlock that ‘thing’ by what you need to do and what you’ll receive as gifts from the world to assist with the issue.

These are designed as more of an overview of something for you to pay attention to or to know. If you’re looking for something more in-depth, then my full card reading may be of more benefit to you and can be found in my services.

This is a recorded video call via Zoom where I’ll send you the recording no later than 5 days from booking where you’ll be able to playback and absorb in your own time. The session will last approximately 10 minutes.

The time you book is only for booking purposes and not for purposes of an in-person or video call.


Please note these readings are intended as guide to assist you in making self-informed decisions. They are not a replacement for professional advice; legal, medical, financial, psychological or otherwise. 

Any decision you may make as a result of this reading is solely your responsibility. As a participant in this reading you acknowledge your understanding & agree to this disclaimer.

full card readings

We all have questions about our lives. Everything from career to personal life, to questioning ourselves. With the use of the Witches Tarot (a different take on the traditional Tarot) I'll delve into what's truly at the core for you. 

Using the Celtic Cross card layout we’ll get right into all that’s happening in your life, love, romance, career, our inner self ~ the whole lot!

I believe there is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to Tarot and Oracle readings. As an intuitive medium I use my connection with Spirit so that you're getting an individualised reading that's specific and particular for you.


Please note these readings are intended as guide to assist you in making self-informed decisions. They are not a replacement for professional advice; legal, medical, financial, psychological or otherwise. 

Any decision you may make as a result of this reading is solely your responsibility. As a participant in this reading you acknowledge your understanding & agree to this disclaimer.

intuitive mediumship card reading

intuitive mediumship readings

We all have questions about our lives. Everything from career to personal life, to questioning ourselves. 

In a reading I use my connection with both my and your guides as well as from Spirit (which may also include loved ones who've crossed) to get to the core of what you’re seeking answers for.

These sessions are ideal if you’re looking for greater clarity on something or life in general, being able to connect with your own Spirit team and loved ones who’ve crossed.

cancellation policy

I get that things happen that means you might need to cancel or postpone your session. I do ask that you give me a minimum 24 hours notice to open this time up again for someone else.

A 50% cancellation fee will be charged for appointments cancelled within 24 hours

“reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is well-being, well-being is freedom from disease”

Mikao Usui