reiki, energetic work, card readings & intuitive mediumship

Hello and welcome to my little space here in the ether…I am so grateful you’re here.

Why did I create this? Well several reasons. Firstly so you can find me easily without having to negotiate all the noise of social media (not that I don’t like that space too). Secondly so you can easily book a session with me, be that Reiki and energetic healing or connecting with Spirit via my mediumship.

As I settle into this space I’ll also be adding new services that are coming this year as well as sharing my views of the world, general messages I’m asked to pass on from Spirit and more!

Thank you again for being here and I am looking forward to our time together. David πŸ’•

my services

reiki & energetic healing

Reiki is an energetic healing modality originally founded in Japan. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word Rei which means β€˜Universal Life’ and Ki which means β€˜Energy’

Reiki enhances the body’s natural ability to heal and enhance well-being. It also can aid and assist in relieving physical pain, calming and settling our mental well-being and in re-energising our bodies when fatigued, stressed or tired.

I am a qualified Reiki Master practitioner in the Usui method and use my mediumship as well as other healing modalities and tools so each session follows an intuitive and individual approach.

read more about this here or book below

intuitive mediumship readings

We all have questions about our lives. Everything from career to personal life, to questioning what our purpose is in this life. 

In a reading I use my connection with both my and your guides as well as from Spirit (which may also include loved ones who've crossed). As this is an intuitive session there is no set way in which these messages and guidance will be passed on, however I may use Oracle cards as a tool to focus in. If you specifically want a card reading I am very happy to do that; please let me know prior to our time together if this is the case.

Let’s delve into what's truly at the core for you.  

read more about this here or book below

Card readings

We all have questions about our lives. Everything from career to personal life, to questioning ourselves. With the use of the Witches Tarot (a different take on the traditional Tarot) I'll delve into what's truly at the core for you. 

I believe there is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to Tarot and Oracle readings. As an intuitive medium I use my connection with Spirit so that you're getting an individualised reading that's specific and particular for you.

read more about this here or book below

find the time for you

We spend so much time looking after the needs of others, generally always putting someone before ourselves. Your session with me is where it’s about you and only you.


β€œthank you for our session. you made me feel really comfortable being my first time.

I didn’t realise reiki could be so powerful”

Jill ~ In person Reiki

β€œyour reading gave me so much clarity, I felt like everything fell into place.”

Helen ~ Intuitive Medium card reading

find me on my socials